Bradley Arthur Maxwell (formerly know as Brad Fillatre) is in Western Canada opening for The Once.
Come out and say hi if you are in any of the cities below.
October 23 Winnipeg, MB West End Cultural Centre
October 24 Saskatoon, SK The Bassment
October 25 Edmonton, AB Festival Place
October 26 Hinton, AB Hinton Performing Arts Centre
October 28 Canmore, AB Communitea Cafe
November 2 Vancouver, BC Rogue Folk Club
Heathrow, the brand new JF Robitaille & Lail Arad single is now available online for streaming and download.
Available now on Spotify / Apple Music / Google Play and Bandcamp

Lail Arad & JF Robitaille, “Heathrow”
JF Robitaille & Lail Arad’s new single, “Heathrow” is scheduled for a world-wide digital release for Friday, October 12th, 2018. Along with a marketing push across UK radio stations, the pair kick off a tour of Germany, France, Ireland, Spain, Italy and the UK next week!.
Lail and JF are back on the road this fall opening for Dawn Landes! Get all the details, ticket and venue information on Songkick
October 7 Nochtwatche – Hamburg
October 8 Monarch – Berlin
October 10 Pop Up Du Label – Paris
October 11 Borderline – London
October 12 The Eagle Inn – Manchester
October 13 Whelans – Dublin
October 16 The Basement – York
October 18 The Greys – Brighton